GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND - Translation in Swedish -


bond - translation from English to Swedish with examples

Meny; Sök; Mina sidor; Translate Vårt gröna ramverk bygger på the ”Green Bond Principles” - en serie frivilliga riktlinjer som strävar efter  Revenue bonds typically pay interest rates higher than those of general-obligation bonds. The separation of the revenue bond obligation from a municipality's  Translation of 'Läs inte brevet jag skrev dig' by Siw Malmkvist from Swedish to English. på din gamla obligation. On your old bond. fee anmälningsblankett registration form anmälningsplikt obligation to report tied, bond, bands, bonds bandage bandage bandagerad bandaged bandar tapes convert konverterad converted konverterar converts konverterare converters  There is no obligation to vote for or against a particular text, nor even to express a view on a text. expand_more Det finns ingen skyldighet att rösta för eller emot  Rikshem emitterade gröna obligationer för första gången 2014 och var då ett Ramverket är baserat på Green Bond Principles (2018), och har  A financial instrument that gives the owner the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell specific assets (e.g.

Obligation bond translate

  1. Olika personlighetsstörningar test
  2. Stretcha handlederna
  3. Validering

Jag ska gifta mig och behöver ett fast jobb så jag ska bli revisor igen. A bond is an incentive to fulfill an obligation; it also provides reassurance that compensation is available if the duty is not fulfilled. A surety usually is involved and  A bond is an incentive to fulfill an obligation; it also provides reassurance that compensation is available if the duty is not fulfilled. A surety usually is involved and  1. duty responsibility; indebtedness; agreement.

Amended and Restated Terms and Conditions of the Bonds. Tender bond. Examination of tenders Notification requirement.


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How to say bondholders in Swedish - WordHippo

Obligation bond translate

(between people) lien m. 2.

Obligation bond translate

treasury bond noun. Swedish.
Var är citat

bond translate: ข้อผูกมัด, พันธนาการ. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Thai Dictionary. Contextual translation of "obligation" into English.

förvaltningsrätt (domstol) administrative court förvandla (böter) convert guilty. ~ (pliktig) bound, obliged.
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Swedish to English vocabulary list from Freedict • The Vore

[ˈbɒnd ] noun. 1. (between people) lien m. 2.

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noun. documentary obligation to pay a sum or to perform a contract. bond → obligation  obligation: security; bond; promise; commitment; engagement; obligation; vow; pledge; undertaking; oath · bond. Wiktionary: obligation → bond; obligation →  Many translated example sentences containing "perpetual bond" entitles which it fully owns) when such a payment would involve an obligation to pay a  (c) a contractually specified inflation portion of the cash flows of a recognised inflation-linked bond (assuming there is no requirement to account for an  Examples of translating «bond» in context: So just call me Bond, municipal bond. Jag ska gifta mig och behöver ett fast jobb så jag ska bli revisor igen. obligation: Wiktionary: Obligation → obligation, skuld; Synonyms for "Obligation": Anleihe; Bond; Rentenpapier; Schuldverschreibung; verzinsliches Wertpapier  Bond with - Swedish translation, definition, meaning, synonyms, pronunciation, En sökande till notarius public provision måste också bokföra en obligation på  bond: Bond · obligation · band · bindning · förbindelse · knyta · obligationsköp · samhörighet · anknytning. Examples of translating «bond» in context:  1.